Kubernetes Deployments
Based around "deployment defintion file"...
Get Deployments
kubectl get deployemnts.apps
Viewing / Describing
kubectl describe deployments.apps frontend-deployment
Deploying with apply
kubectl apply -f deployment-definition-1.yaml
Creating a Deployment Definition file
kubectl create deployment httpd-frontend --image=httpd:2.4-alpine
The kind
type in the YAML is case-sensitive and needs to be uppercase (e.g. Deployment vs deployment)
Sample question...
Create a new Deployment with the below attributes using your own deployment definition file
Name: httpd-frontend; Replicas: 3; Image: httpd:2.4-alpine
> kubectl create deployment httpd-frontend --image=httpd:2.4-alpine
> kubectl scale deployment --replicas=3 httpd-frontend
> kubectl get deployments.apps httpd-frontend
Edit Deployments
With deployment you can easily edit any field / property of the pod template. Since the pod template is a child of the deployment specification, with every chnage the deployment will automatically delete and create a new pod with the new changes. So if you are asked to edit a property of a pod part of the deployment you may do that simply by running the command:
kubectl edit deployment my-deployments