Big O Notation
Or algorithmic worst-case scenarios.
It's inexact by design and explores the "relationship between the size of the problem and the program's running time" (or a schema for dividing problems into different broad classes).
- O(1) - "Big O of one" or "constant time"...the best!
- O(log n) - Logarithmic...very good!
- O(n) - Linear...good!
- O(n^2) - Quadratic time or "Big O of n squared"
- O(2^n) - "Big O of 2 to the n"...exponential, very bad!
- O(n!) - "Big O of n factorial"...factorial, extremely bad!
Bubble Sort
- Time: O(n^2)
- Space: O(1)
Quick Sort
- Time: avg. O(n log n), worst O(n^2)
- Space avg. O(log n), worst O(n)
Merge Sort
- Time: O(n log n)
- Space: O(n) (worst)
Heap Sort
- Time: O(n log n)
- Space: O(1)
Insertion Sort
- Time: O(n^2)
- Space: O(1)
Selection Sort
- Time: O(n^2)
- Space: O(1)
Linear Search
- Time: O(n)
- Space: O(1)
Binary Search
In sorted array or search tree...
- Time: O(log2 n)
- Space: O(1)
Depth first search in graph G = (V, E) (worst case)
- Time: O(|V| + |E|)
- Space: O(|V|)
Breadth first search (worst case)
- Time: O(|V| + |E|)
- Space: O(|V|)
Data Structures
- Access: O(1)
- Search: O(n)