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CLI Design Considerations

"Traditionally, UNIX commands were written under the assumption they were going to be used primarily by other programs. They had more in common with functions in a programming language than with graphical applications." "Today, even though many CLI programs are used primarily (or even exclusively) by humans, a lot of their interaction design still carries the baggage of the past. It’s time to shed some of this baggage: if a command is going to be used primarily by humans, it should be designed for humans first."

  • Standard in/out/err
  • Signals
  • Exit codes
  • Use of config (e.g. YAML, JSON, etc)
  • Anticipant users not using it as you anticipated
  • Designing for composability
  • Output verbosity
  • Whether to use a "top", such as HTop



> mycli --descriptive
> mycli -d

Subcommand Choices

  • netlify functions:invoke
  • netlify functions invoke

Concept of a TUI

TUI stands for Terminal User Interface and basically describes an app that runs in the terminal (in the same manner as a CLI-based application) that has a more interactive user interface.



Things to consider for a TUI...

  • Autocompletion (e.g.
  • Color and visual representation


Great CLIs
