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  • How to get a job in 2023
  • "Solving problems non-stop is the best way to get better at technical interviews", Stephen Grider
  • "Be someone who reassures"

Personal Pitch

  • Practice having solid answers to "Give me examples of some of things you’ve achieved / built"...


  • InterviewBit
  • Interviewing during a pandemic -
  • Whiteboarding
  • "Prepping for a FAANG interview the last couple of months I've probably seen most Indians of the world talking about system design. I've found two channels to be really good, and the rest is complete garbage. I'll post the good ones for reference, these guys deserve up votes."
  • Tech Interview Handbook
  • Interview Resources

Pro Tips

  • "To raise your success level in applying for leadership roles, always ask the interviewer: 'is there anything about me or my experience that gives you pause?'' (more)

On interviewing yourself...

"I interview so many people who have a wealth of experience but can’t clearly articulate the work they’ve done or the results they’ve delivered. My advice to anyone looking for a new role (especially senior roles) is to sit down and interview yourself. Make sure you have a solid backlog of examples. Make sure you remember the details. Think about what you’ve learned. Whether you’re interviewing at Amazon, Google, or any other big company… you can find examples and guidance on what those companies are looking for.

Here at Amazon, we look for candidates that exemplify our leadership principles. It’s no secret we will expect you to have examples for each. What we are looking for when we interview candidates are the details. We want to know the situation, what actions YOU took, and what results those actions delivered. Then we’re going to keep asking questions to better understand how you make decisions and act. We’ll ask you questions about why… why you took those particular actions, why the results were this way and not that way, etc.

This is where I see so many candidates fail. Its not that they don’t have the experience. It’s that they don’t have well thought out examples, they are not clear and concise with their answers, and they are short on details. You can’t go wrong using the STAR method and I suggest candidates phrase every answer in this way. The situation was… because of that I took these actions...the result was"